
建筑学留学|2014年10月21日 10:27
美国建筑学本科排名: 1. Cornell University 2. Southern California Institute of Architecture . Rice University.


·         1. Cornell University
·         2. Southern California Institute of Architecture
·         3. Rice University
·         3. Syracuse University
·         5. California Polytechnic State Univ., San Luis Obispo
·         6. University of Texas at Austin
·         7. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
·         7. Rhode Island School of Design
·         9. Iowa State University
·         9. Auburn University
·         11. Pratt Institute
·         12. Carnegie Mellon University
·         13. University of Notre Dame
·         13. University of Oregon
·         13. Boston Architectural College
·         16. University of Southern California
·         16. Cooper Union
·         18. Pennsylvania State University
·         19. University of Arkansas
·         19. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  如果想要了解更多关于美国建筑专业留学的相关资讯,可以访问http://www.jz.easyoz.com,或是拨打热线电话4006-918-230 进行具体咨询。


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